Thank You
Towan Isom has generated $21,882,111.87 in business revenue in the past 7 years, grown her company to 25 employees, and executed marketing, public relations, management, event, and digital projects in every industry since starting her business 22 years ago. And now she’s sharing her small business expertise with you.
Daily Inspiration
Follow Towan on all social platforms at @towanisomceo for daily inspiration and quick business tips. She covers scale, infrastructure, hiring, consultants, taxes, stress, SMART marketing strategy, sticky situations with clients and staff, and much more. She gives tons of free information and links to documents you can’t afford to miss.
“You can’t fail forever; eventually you have to succeed or get a job.”
— Towan Isom
Weekly Insights
Email video questions to Once a week, Towan will post answers to the Keep It 100 series on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe.
Stop listening to these “no business” business gurus; the next time someone says they’re a business coach, ask to see their Schedule C. It doesn’t take a lot of money — you only need to know what to do and when.
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