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How to Build an Empire:
The Innovator

E File | Posted on March 10, 2010

As an entrepreneur with a consulting firm, I am hired by companies for a variety of services, from program design to conference and meeting planning. Working as a transplant in these organizations enables me to be both a spectator and a participant in growing their business, reaching a new audience, or simply expanding their existing customer base. As you can imagine, working with both for-profit and non-profit businesses, I've seen many great ideas end up in the Land of Nowhere. However, in both my professional and personal life, I've come to notice a formula for success outlined in four key character types – the innovator, the refiner, the transformer, and the closer. In the business world, it looks something like this:

The innovator creates the idea. Often considered creative types, innovators have great ideas but little to no expertise in execution. With the right team in place, they can build an empire; otherwise, they just have good ideas that never quite grow legs.

Innovator Pros

  • Creative/Original Ideas
  • Visionary/Dream Big
  • Forward Thinking

Areas of Improvement

  • Plan More
  • Streamline Ideas
  • Finance Your Ideas